
從未踏上美國的我 第一次就要待在美國三個月

而且大部分的時間是在國家公園 自己其實有點興奮

但是當然還是有不少擔心 擔心自己能不能適應 能不能習慣美國生活

黃石國家公園 對我來說就是曾經出現在課本上 美國很著名的國家公園吧 從沒想過我會去到那裡 更何況要在那裡工作生活


This was my first time to go so far away from home. And this time I would mainly stay in the national park.

I was excited but also nervous.  However, I still looked forward to my journey!

S__10059804.jpg爸爸媽媽送我到機場 daddy and mommy brought me to the airport~



我的partner在飛機上睡很好 可是我睡不著>< haha my partner fell asleep deeply on the plane but I couldn't sleep well.><


再搭國內線到Bozeman 我很喜歡這個機場 裡面的設計很溫馨 不同於一般的機場 它是用木頭色來建造

We flied to Seattle first and transfered to Bozeman. I like the design of bozeman airport. Its atmosphere makes me warm.

1498450142112.jpgarrived in Seatle Airport~~~~~~

20170628_081625.jpg很特別的是 國內線是自己印機票和付託運行李的費用 get the ticket by ourselves !!!

20170628_084258.jpgsaw a lovely baby during our boarding~~~soooo cute~~~

狗狗來襲 hahaha

Bozeman Airport!!


好的 要飛去Bozeman了  okay, it was time for us to fly to Bozeman.


P6281603.JPGoverlooking the view of America~How beautiful it was!!! 我覺得美翻了 很壯觀


不久之後 我們就到達了Bozeman機場

然後等待著飯店接駁車把我們載到飯店啦 因為我們工作的公司(Xanterra)有和Holiday inn(我們住的飯店)合作 所以只要去工作的員工 住在那裡就會有優惠

趁著在等待接駁車的時候認識了之後一起旅行的朋友 覺得真的很巧很幸運~  

Soon after we arrived in Bozeman, and waited for the shuttle taking us to the hotel.

I met new friends during the waiting. Luckily, we worked and traveled together after then.


飯店對面還有一間超級大的Walmart 也因為這是在Montana 州 所以是完全免稅的

放下行李 很興奮地去Walmart 買一些日常用品 還有吃的

Walmart 真的大到不行 一逛就是兩個多小時 真的要有足夠時間好好逛才行

There is a Walmart across our hotel. We spent some time shopping and buying some stuffs we needed.

Also, we had our dinner at McDonald's nearby.


我點了酪梨雞肉漢堡~I ordered an avocado chicken burger. It was my love!!!

我這次是6/29工作 所以我6/28就要到達Bozeman 然後當天晚上Xanterra的雇主會到Holiday inn 有小小說明會 並且為了隔天辦社會安全卡 所以要填一些資料

We had a small meeting the day before going to Yellowstone.


隔一天我記得我們好早就要起床了 先去吃早餐之後去辦社會安全卡 辦完就前往黃石國家公園 車程要兩個多小時 其實就是在車上睡死哈哈哈

I remembered we got up early, went to have breakfast and then off to social security administration to apply for the social security card.




抵達黃石第一個地點是最北邊的入口Gardiner 就是我們要拿ID卡還有制服的地方 那時候也會知道自己被分配到哪一區做什麼工作


Arriving at the Gardiner which is the north entrance of Yellowstone, we got our ID card and uniform.

Besides, the employer told us where our working places were.

And I would go to Grant Village to be a housekeeper!!!



these were the views I took when I was on the bus.

不過Gardiner 到Grant 也要快三個小時


When we arrived in Grant, it was already dark outside.


剛開始到的時候天氣有些冷  早晚要穿上羽絨衣才行 

趁著剛到這幾天 到附近走走 也記錄下不少美美的景 ~~~~

It was a little cold on our first few days. I had to put on my down coat to get rid of my cold limbs.

However, Thank for the fantastic views which i had never seen before. It made me happy and feel at ease.



to be continued......................


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